Time is provided to support implementation.
What is it?
Implementation planning recognizes that time is a necessary part of the change process. Strategies are in place to ensure that each stakeholder group has the time they need to successfully implement and sustain the change. Timelines are reflected in implementation plans.
Why is it important?
Successful implementation recognizes and ensures that dedicated time is necessary to enact change at both organizational and individual levels.
What does it look like?
Leaders look for evidence such as the following to provide time for implementation:
- Strategic short-, mid- and long-term implementation plans are in place to address the time requirements to successfully implement and sustain the change at provincial, regional and local school board levels (e.g., time required for visioning, collaboration, communication, planning, professional learning, assessment and evaluation, reporting).
- School calendars, policies, collective agreements, timetables, and budgets take into account the individual and collaborative time required to implement and sustain the change.
- Stakeholders have the time they need for formal and informal learning to support implementation.
- Stakeholders employ various strategies to make efficient use of time (e.g., job-embedded professional learning, distributed learning).
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