Shared Vision
Stakeholders share an understanding of and commitment to the intended outcome(s).
What is it?
A shared vision is endorsed and “lived” within a learning community and evident within an implementation plan. It is articulated by and communicated with educators, support staff, students, parents, school councils and community members. A collaborative process facilitates ongoing review of the shared vision.
Why is it important?
A clearly articulated and shared vision articulates the why, what and how of an implementation plan. It looks toward the future and reflects the voices and goals of a learning community. When a learning community is guided by a shared vision, collaborative practices and shared understandings strengthen implementation processes.
What does it look like?
Leaders look for evidence such as the following as they establish a shared vision:
- A strong, clearly articulated vision exists that reflects current research, as well as stakeholders’ priorities, needs and contexts.
- Stakeholders have a sense of ownership in the development of the vision. Stakeholders also support and can articulate the vision. All stakeholders endorse the vision statement.
- Regular stakeholder communications reference the vision and describe how it has been implemented.
- The vision informs all implementation decisions. Qualitative and quantitative evidence demonstrate how implementation decisions align with the vision.
- The vision is periodically reviewed and revised as required.
Download Shared Vision template
Télécharger le gabarit de Vision commune
Télécharger Conditions Essentielles