A Guide to Support Implementation:
Essential Conditions



Leaders at all levels have the capacity to champion the shift from the current reality to the intended outcome(s).

What is it?

Leadership capacity is developed through a clear delineation of leadership roles, responsibilities and opportunities. Effective leadership focuses on continuous instructional improvement and builds mechanisms for collaboration between current and future leaders, as well as among all stakeholders, including parents. Effective leaders champion capacity building and commitment to improvement and growth.

Why is it important?

A plan to develop leadership capacity among all stakeholder groups supports and sustains implementation and encourages career-long and life-long personal and professional growth.

What does it look like?

Leaders look for evidence such as the following as they develop leadership capacity:

  • A plan exists for developing leadership capacity among all stakeholder groups. These plans:
    • Clearly delineate leadership roles and responsibilities
    • Identify future leadership opportunities
    • Include supports for instructional leadership as well as facilitation of continuous instructional improvement
    • Identify champions to build capacity and commitment
    • Describe mechanisms for collaboration among current and future leaders.
  • Leadership capacity is improved and distributed throughout the learning system.
  • Leaders are collaborating to support and sustain implementation.
  • Consultation with stakeholders, including parents, has occurred.
  • Leaders are engaged in ongoing career-long/life-long professional growth.


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